Monday, August 18, 2008

Soda Ware ware niwa deki runda (Yes We Can in Japanese)!!!!

WELCOME TO THE '"SUSHI 4 OBAMA" BLOG! Stay tuned for more about me and my journey through the American democratic process. A little about this blog: I am a professor from Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan serving as a visiting scholar at the Intercultural Management Institute at American University in Washington D.C. I am an avid Obama supporter and spend my weekends canvasing metro D.C. communities and my weekdays attending D.C. Obama group events. I have had great insight into the democratic process which I hope to increase by attending both the Democratic and Republican conventions. I will be organizing "Sushi for Obama" gatherings at D.C. area sushi restauraunts, so sign up and stay tuned for more information.

Soda Ware ware niwa deki runda (Yes We Can in Japanese)!!!!!

1 comment:

jer,uh...ME! said...

"Yes we DID!"

Gongratulations to Obama and everyone who worked so hard- including #1 Motorcycle from Japan.

- Jeremy Reynolds, SIIC